- [S4108] Women's Meeting, Friends Concord Monthly Meeting.
- [S4114] Anderson Herald.
- [S4118] 1850 Madison Co, IN. Census.
- [S4124] 1880 Grant Co, IN. Census.
- [S4126] 1910 Grant Co, IN. Census.
- [S4129] 1930 Marion Co, IN. Census.
- [S4130] 1940 Marion Co, IN. Census.
- [S4132] Connersville, IN. City Directory.
- [S4133] Muncie, IN. City Directory.
- [S4134] The Indianapolis Journal.
- [S4135] 1940 Roane Co, WV. Census.
- [S4136] 1910 Roane Co, WV. Census.
- [S4140] 1920 Roane Co, WV. Census.
- [S4141] 1910 Whatcom Co, WA. Census.
- [S4143] Anderson Daily Bulletin.
- [S4147] 1910 Kossuth Co, IA.
- [S4148] 1920 Kossuth Co, IA.
- [S4149] 1930 Kossuth Co, IA.
- [S4150] 1940 Kossuth Co, IA.
- [S4152] 1880 Adams Co, IN. Census.
- [S4153] 1870 Adams Co, IN. Census.
- [S4157] 1930 Josephine Co, OR. Census.
- [S4159] Salem, OR. Directory.
- [S4160] 1940 Hood River Co, OR. Census.
- [S4163] 1940 Cero Gordo Co, IA. Census.
- [S4164] IA Birth Record.
- [S4165] 1940 Cottonwood Co, MN. Census.
- [S4166] 1930 Floyd Co, IA. Census.
- [S4169] Kim Williams, e-mail message from e-mail address to Howard Hickman, Jan 2015.
- [S4170] 1900 Hartley Co, TX. Census.
- [S4171] Richard Baer, e-mail message from e-mail address to Howard Hickman, Jan 2015.
- [S4172] Cindy Kiger, e-mail message from e-mail address to Howard Hickman, Jan 2015.
- [S4185] Genealogy of the Sharpless Family.
- [S4195] 1870 Ottawa Co, MI. Census.
- [S4196] 1900 Ottawa Co, MI. Census.
- [S4200] 1880 Oceano Co, MI. Census.
- [S4201] 1930 Oceano Co, MI. Census.
- [S4203] 1930 Jackson Co, MI. Census.
- [S4204] 1940 Jackson Co, MI. Census.
- [S4205] 1910 Ingham Co, MI. Census.
- [S4206] 1920 Jackson Co, MI. Census.
- [S4209] NY Birth Index.
- [S4210] 1930 Eaton Co, MI. Census.
- [S4213] 1905 Wabasha Co, MN. Census.
- [S4214] 1880 Wabasha Co, MN. Census.
- [S4215] 1910 Wabasha Co, MN. Census.
- [S4719] Virgnia Death Record.
- [S4773] 1910 Lincoln Co, WV. Census.
- [S5377] Tampa Bay Times.
- [S5388] Valerie Mahoney, e-mail message from e-mail address to Howard Hickman, Aug 2024.