- [S522] Letter from Joanne Nichols (1710 Peartree Lane, Crofton, MD. 21114) to Howard Hickman, 1996.
- [S523] Cornerstone Clues 1982 p.19.
- [S528] Greenemount Cem. (1986 CC p.19).
- [S530] Mary Hickman.
- [S535] Cornerstone Clues 1993 p.82.
- [S542] Martin Bible.
- [S650] Letter from Doris Phillips (1058 W. 17th, Hutchinson, KS. 67501) to Howard Hickman, 1990.
- [S1050] Waynesburg Republican (1978 CC p.105).
- [S1056] Wayne Township, Greene Co, PA. Tax Record, Tax Assessor's Office, Waynesburg, PA., transcribed by Howard Hickman.
- [S1139] 1900 Sullivan Co, MO. Census.
- [S1183] 1910 Sullivan Co, MO. Census.
- [S1185] 1920 Sullivan Co, MO. Census.
- [S1186] Sullivan Co, MO. Marriage Records.
- [S1191] 1930 Sullivan Co, MO. Census.
- [S1192] Kent Funeral Home Records, Green City, MO.
- [S1315] 1910 Harrison Co, WV. Census.
- [S1463] 1900 Rice Co, KS. Census.
- [S1489] 1880 Fayette Co, PA. Census.
- [S1536] 1900 Marshall Co, WV. Census.
- [S1578] Ruby Wilde, e-mail message from e-mail address (15354 Channel Drive, LaConner, WA. 98257) to Howard Hickman, June 1999.
- [S1595] 1900 Linn Co, MO. Census.
- [S1596] 1910 Linn Co, MO. Census.
- [S1597] 1920 Linn Co, MO. Census.
- [S1598] Burchfieldfamily.com/genealogy/Phillips/.
- [S1656] 1920 Rice Co. Census.
- [S1657] 1930 Rice Co. Census.
- [S1729] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
- [S2036] 1910 Belmont Co, OH. Census.
- [S2430] 1880 Washington Co, TX. Census.
- [S2436] Www.mindspring.com/~eehiv/martin/mcconnell.family.htm.
- [S2843] 1880 Marshall Co, WV. Census.
- [S3039] MtMorrisHistory.org.
- [S3578] Tracy Cunningham, e-mail message from e-mail address to Howard Hickman, Nov 2011.
- [S4186] Civil War Draft Registration.
- [S4190] 1870 Washington Co, TX. Census.
- [S4270] 1910 Jasper Co, MO Census.
- [S4271] 1920 Jasper Co, MO Census.
- [S4272] 1900 Montgomery Co, IA. Census.
- [S4278] 1900 Pottawatomie Co, OK Census.
- [S4279] 1910 Pottawatomie Co, OK Census.
- [S4280] 1920 Pottawatomie Co, OK Census.
- [S4458] Brenda Lockwood, e-mail message from e-mail address to Howard Hickman, July 2016.
- [S4515] 1910 Rice Co, KS, Census.
- [S4516] 1940 Sedgwick Co, KS. Census.
- [S4517] 1920 La Planta Co, CO. Census.
- [S4518] 1930 La Planta Co, CO. Census.
- [S4519] 1940 La Planta Co, CO. Census.
- [S4520] Cedar Rapids, IA. Directoty.
- [S4781] NC Marriage Record.
- [S4782] Barbara Brewer, e-mail message from e-mail address to Howard Hickman III, Jan 2019.