- [S63] Weaver Funeral (1988 CC p.76).
- [S65] Letter from George Ingram (1315 Lakeview Rd, Lake Wales, FL. 33853) to Howard Hickman, 1990.
- [S69] Marriage Record (1986 Cornerstone Clues p.66).
- [S79] Letter from Donna Davis (47 Adena Ridge, Smithville, WV 26178) to Howard Hickman, 1990 to 2022.
- [S86] Funeral Records (1978 CC p.42).
- [S88] Weaver Funeral Records (1998 CC p 75) Franklin Ward Jr.
- [S91] Weaver (1988 CC p.21); Will 26/437.
- [S95] Gerald D. Hobson, Descendants of Henry Vandruff of Greene Co, PA. (12 Millstone Dr, Painsville, OH. 44077: Gerald Hobson e-mail address, 2010).
- [S190] Weaver Funeral Record #3011.
- [S957] Rheba I. McLung Pethtel, The Pethtel Way.
- [S963] Gaylene Banister, e-mail message from e-mail address e-mail address (Houston, TX.) to Howard Hickman, 2000.
- [S1033] 1930 Washington Co, PA. Census.
- [S1096] Letter from Helena Galentine (R.D.1, Box 136, Aleppo, PA. 15310) to Howard Hickman, Oct 1994.
- [S1144] Letter from Marcy Milota (3011 Yorkshire Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH.) to Howard Hickman, 1998 to 2010.
- [S1156] 1920 Washington Co, PA. Census.
- [S1303] 1910 Washington Co, PA. Census.
- [S1333] Claudine Harding, e-mail message from e-mail address to Howard Hickman, Aug 2005.
- [S1395] 1910 Lucas Co, OH. Census.
- [S1437] 1930 Fayette Co, PA. Census.
- [S1438] 1910 Calhoun Co, WV. Census.
- [S1440] 1900 Calhoun Co, WV. Census.
- [S1441] 1920 Calhoun Co, WV. Census.
- [S1442] 1920 Wood Co, WV. Census.
- [S1495] Perry Twp, Greene Co, PA. Tax Records, Tax Assessor's Office, Waynesburg, PA., transcribed by Howard Hickman.
- [S1532] 1920 Marion Co, KS. Census.
- [S1533] 1930 Eastland Co, TX. Census.
- [S1564] Pocahontos Co, WV. Census.
- [S1624] 1930 Wood Co, WV. Census.
- [S2040] Donna Fisher, e-mail message from e-mail address (Ashtabula, OH.) to Howard Hickman, Feb 2008.
- [S2273] 1930 Calhoun Co, WV. Census.
- [S2938] Washington, PA. Directory.
- [S3655] 1940 Washington Co, PA. Census.
- [S3735] 1940 Westmoreland Co, PA. Census.
- [S3814] 1940 Upshur Co, WV. Census.
- [S3816] Michael Fiume, e-mail message from e-mail address to Howard Hickman, 2013.
- [S3817] 1940 Calhoun Co, WV. Census.
- [S4061] Sheri Culler, e-mail message from e-mail address to Howard Hickman, Aug 2008.
- [S4248] 1940 Wood Co, WV. Census.
- [S4661] Greene Co, PA Tax lists.
- [S4941] Frostburg Mining Journal.
- [S5152] 1930 White Co, AR, Census.
- [S5153] 1940 LA Moorhouse Co, Census.
- [S5154] Calhoun Co, WV. Probate.
- [S5157] Wetzel Co, WV Property Records.
- [S5158] Calhoun Chronicle.
- [S5164] Calhoun Co, WV. Land Records.
- [S5200] 1950 Washington Co, PA. Census.
- [S5243] 1950 Ouachita Co, LA. Census.
- [S5244] 1950 Calhoun Co, WV. Census.
- [S5248] 1920 Pocahontas Co, WV. Census.