"Probably Fatal Shooting Accident" article, Waynesburg Republican, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, 6 October 1910, page 1, column 7
John Smith, Aged 15, While Hunting Ground-Hogs, Seriously Wounds His Younger Brother.
On Sabbath forenoon John Smith, aged 15, his brother, Walter Smith, aged 12, sons of Barney Smith, of this place, and an Italian boy named Vilella, went to the farm of Noah Tenant, a mile south of Waynesburg, to hunt ground-hogs. The older Smith boy took from his home a 44-calibre revolver.
After they had reached the Tenant farm John Smith was examining the weapon, when it was discharged, the bullet entering the abdomen of his younger brother. The injured lad was carried almost the entire distance by the older brother, to the home of his parents on the South Side, reaching there about 12:30. Walter Smith was then almost exhausted from loss of blood. Dr. Harry Scott was summoned and in company with Attorney John S. Carter brought the boy to the City Hospital in Dr. Scott's automobile.
The boy was placed under the influence of an anaesthetic (sic) and an examination of the wound made by Dr. Scott. A difficult surgical operation was found to be necessary, the ball having penetrated the stomach, liver and large intestine and lodged in the fleshy part of the back. The bullet was not removed, but the wounds in the stomach, liver and intestine were closed up with stitches and a large amount of blood was taken from the abdominal cavity. The boy is still living, but his condition affords little hope for recovery."
Walter Smith obituary, Waynesburg Republican, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, 13 October 1910, page 1, column 3
"Walter Smith, son of Barney Smith, of West Lincoln street, who was accidentally shot by his brother, a week ago last Sabbath, died at the City Hospital on Thursday morning. An account of the shooting was given in the last issue of the Republican, the boy having been shot with a revolver, while they were out hunting ground-hogs. Beside his parents he is survived by five brothers. The funeral was held from the home on Friday, Rev. A. S. Kelley, officiating."